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When using the waterproof shoe surface test, the following detailed precautions should be followed:

Preparation before use:

1. Ensure that the waterproof shoe surface testing machine is correctly connected to the power supply and water source, and check whether the power supply is stable.

2. Clean the test area to ensure that there is no debris and dust, so as not to affect the test result.

3. Check whether the waterproof shoes are damaged or defective. If so, repair or replace them in time.

4. Adjust the position and height of the test stand according to the size and shape of the waterproof shoes to ensure that the waterproof shoes will not be damaged during the test.

Two, precautions in the test process:

1. Place the waterproof shoe to be tested on the test rack. Ensure that the surface of the waterproof shoe is smooth and has no holes or cracks. Avoid moving waterproof shoes during the test to avoid affecting the test results.

2. Place the test probe into the hole or gap of the waterproof shoe to ensure that the probe is tightly fitted to the surface of the waterproof shoe. Be careful not to exert too much force to avoid damaging waterproof shoes or test probes.

3. After turning on the power, observe whether the device works normally. If any abnormality occurs, stop using the device immediately and contact professionals for maintenance.

4. During the test process, a stable pressure and speed should be maintained to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test results.

5. During the test, avoid touching the test probe with hands or other parts of the body to avoid injury. In case of any abnormality or discomfort, discontinue use immediately and seek medical attention.

6. During the test, ensure that the test environment is clean to avoid impurities or dust affecting the test results. If needed, a filter or air purifier can be used to keep the air clean.

7. After the test, disconnect the device from the power supply, take out the test probe, and clean the device and test rack. Do not wipe the equipment with a cloth that is too wet to avoid damage to the equipment or the risk of electric shock.

Three, daily maintenance and maintenance:

1. Regularly check the safety performance of the waterproof shoe plane testing machine to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. If any fault or abnormal situation is found, contact professionals in time for maintenance or replacement.

2. Clean and maintain the equipment regularly to maintain the good condition and service life of the equipment. Do not wipe the equipment with a cloth that is too wet to avoid damage to the equipment or the risk of electric shock.

3. In the process of use, you should abide by the operating procedures and precautions to ensure the safety of yourself and others. In case of any abnormality or discomfort, discontinue use immediately and seek medical attention.

4. During use, attention should be paid to protecting waterproof shoes to avoid excessive wear or damage. If necessary, appropriate protective materials can be used to extend the service life of waterproof shoes.

5. In the process of use, attention should be paid to recording test data and results to facilitate subsequent analysis and evaluation. At the same time, potential problems or faults can be discovered and resolved in a timely manner.

6. Check the safety performance of the equipment regularly to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. Caution and attention should be exercised during use. A stable speed and pressure should be maintained during the test to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test results. When cleaning and maintaining the equipment, do not wipe the equipment with a cloth that is too wet to avoid damage to the equipment or risk of electric shock. During use, attention should be paid to protecting waterproof shoes from excessive wear or damage. In the process of use, attention should be paid to recording test data and results in order to facilitate subsequent analysis and evaluation, and also to discover and solve potential problems or failures in time.